Varicose veins are dilated , tortuous/ enlarged veins of the lower limbs due to valve incompetence or secondary to DVT. Spider veins is the initial stage of the condition and appears as a network of visible thin lines. Varicose veins mostly occurs in the legs as standing and walking upright increase pressure on the legs.
In many people varicose veins may not cause any discomfort, but some people may have pain, heaviness, burning, throbbing, cramping, swelling, itching and skin discolouration, and sometimes more serious complications.
Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) is an advanced procedure that uses lasers to treat varicose veins. Earlier procedures were open surgeries, but this less invasive procedure gives a better cosmetic result while effectively managing the condition.
RFA is a highly specialized procedure that requires great skill and is performed only by a few experienced surgeons. It is done using Radio Frequency Probes under local anaesthesia as a day care procedure in our centre. It is less painful and heals faster.
Our centre is one of the leading varicose veins treatment centres and we have conducted a Varicose Vein Live Workshop under the guidance of the Medtronic Company. Participants from around the country took part in the workshop and gained immense confidence and skill to carry out the procedure independently in their centres.
The first of its kind workshop in the district was conducted by Dr. E. Elamaran of the Vascular Surgery Dept. and was much appreciated.
Contact us for the best treatment by skilled surgeons.