Breast cancer is one of the major diseases and most common cancers affecting women. It can be caused by a number of factors such as genetics, environmental factors, lifestyle changes and as a by-product of aging. As with every cancer, early detection is the key to good results. Among all cancers, breast cancer one of the best recovery rates when treated early.
One of the easiest methods of detecting breast problems is a periodic breast self-examination. Check for any changes in your breast such as size, texture, lumps or hardenings, nipple discharge, crusting, pain, burning sensation or any discomfort in the breast. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
A mammogram is one of the surest methods of detecting breast cancer. It can detect lumps much before they can be felt in a self-examination. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you should get a regular mammogram. This will help diagnose the disease and start treatment very early.
We have advanced imaging services to help make accurate early diagnosis and our experts have the skills and experience to provide the best treatment for best results.
We provide customised breast cancer care depending on the type and stage of your cancer. Our services include advanced breast conserving surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Excellent post -surgery care and rehabilitation will help you get back to normal life easily.
Our team consists of expert oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, anaesthetists, counsellors and nurses experienced in caring for cancer patients.
If you have any breast problems, consult our experts. All symptoms need not be due to cancer. There are a number of benign conditions that can produce the same symptoms. Our experts will diagnose your condition and provide effective treatment for the best outcomes.