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March 28, 2022

What is Obstructive Jaundice?

Jaundice is a symptom of a liver problem. It is a condition that causes your skin, whites of your eyes and mucous membranes to turn yellow. This is caused by excess amounts of bilirubin in your blood. Bilirubin is found in red blood cells. When the red blood cells die, bilirubin in the blood is filtered out by the liver. When your liver does not function properly, bilirubin is not filtered and it accumulates in your blood leading to yellowing.

There are many diseases and conditions that can lead to jaundice including hepatitis disease, alcohol related disease, pancreatic cancer, certain medicines and obstructed bile ducts.

Obstructive Jaundice is caused by obstruction in the bile ducts.

Bile is fluid secreted by the liver. Small tubes called bile ducts, carry bile from the liver to a bag-like structure, the gall bladder, and from the gall-bladder to the small intestine to aid digestion. If the bile ducts are narrowed or blocked flow of bile is obsttructed leading to jaundice.

Causes of obstructive jaundice

  • Gallstones, stones formed of crystalised bile
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Pancreatic cysts
  • Scarring of pancreatic duct
  • Swollen lymph nodes around the duct

Symptoms of obstructive jaundice

Sometimes obstructive jaundice does not cause symptoms initially. The symptoms depend upon the extent of the block and varies from person to person. As the block becomes bigger, you will have symptoms including:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal swelling

Treatment offered for Obstructive Jaundice

Obstructive jaundice can be treated successfully with complete clearing of the block. Your treatment options will depend on the cause of the obstruction.

If the bile duct is narrowed it is opened by inserting a stent through a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure. Endoscopic procedure is also used to remove obstructing gallstones. Cancer is treated with chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Infections are cured with antibiotics.

We offer the most advanced care for all digestive tract problems including obstructive jaundice. If left untreated obstructive jaundice could lead to serious infection. Consult our experts if you experience any of the symptoms for best treatment and recovery.