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January 19, 2022

What is heartburn and how to manage it.

Heartburn is a burning pain below your breastbone. It is caused by irritation of the esophagus.  Esophagus is the food pipe that connects your throat to your stomach. It has a circular valve at the lower end where it joins the stomach. This valve allows food to enter the stomach and prevents the contents of the stomach from climbing up and out into the esophagus. Sometimes this valve does not work properly. It may not close completely and this will allow stomach acids to escape into the esophagus. This irritates the food pipe leading to the burning pain in your chest. The pain may be so extreme that it could resemble a heart attack.

This condition is fairly common and nearly everyone experiences this at some time, but it generally resolves by itself and you will get well in a matter of minutes of hours. For some people heartburn may become chronic. It may happen often leading to a great deal of discomfort. If it affects you for a long time, then you could develop Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

Symptoms of heartburn

  • Pain in the chest when you bend or lie down
  • A hot, acidic, bitter or salty taste in your throat
  • Difficulty in swallowing

Causes of heartburn

  • Faulty stomach valve
  • Foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic and onions, alcohol, chocolate, coffee etc.
  • Fatty and spicy foods
  • Certain medications
  • Pressure on the stomach due to pregnancy, obesity or constipation
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep

Treatment for heartburn

Heartburn can be controlled with over-the-counter antacids, acid blockers and proton pump inhibitors. If these are not effective then you may require stronger variants of these drugs that may be prescribed by a doctor.

Tips to prevent heartburn

You can prevent heartburn if you follow these simple steps:

  • Avoid overeating and eat smaller meals
  • Avoid foods that could bring on an attack
  • Include foods that avoid constipation
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating
  • Keep your head elevated by about 8 inches while sleeping
  • Don’t wear clothes that are tight around your waist
  • Maintain ideal weight

 Effects of chronic heartburn

If you suffer from frequent heartburn, you should get it treated as soon as possible. If left untreated it could lead to the more serious GERD, which can damage your esophagus. Symptoms of GERD include chronic cough, laryngitis, esophagus inflammation or ulcers and swallowing problems. GERD could cause a condition called Barret’s esophagus that could lead to esophageal cancer.

Consult our gastroenterologist for the best diagnosis and treatment for all digestive tract problems including heartburn. Latest diagnostics, expert treatments and lifestyle counselling to prevent and manage all digestive tract problems are available under one roof.